Wednesday 25 December 2013


My son, a very handsome man (I am allowed to say that, he is my son) and my fabulous daughter-in-law (I am allowed to say that because she married my very handsome son), and their daughter, almost sixteen, who is a very beautiful young lady, (I am allowed to say that, she really is pretty and gets her good looks from my handsome son), are on holiday.

I will post one or two of the pictures they send. They are travelling from Brisbane inland to Sydney, having a few days in Sydney then travelling up the coast road back to Brisbane. They will be gone for about two weeks.
Their first stop was Goodiwindi.....said..Gun dah windy. Here is the Goondiwindi Hotel, a rather impressive building.

Then they went on to a place called Sawed Rocks near Narrabri..said eye.

These rocks certainly look like they are logs that have been sawn in half.

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