Thursday 21 February 2013

More about spiders and birds.

I have mentioned before about all the small spiders we have had in the house. They are not so scary, and I can deal with them okay, but it was getting to the point where we were killing three or four of them every day. When they are small they are manageable. But four or five every day will become quite a few big ones in a few months, and that was my main worry.

To deal with them, we decided to get the house sprayed.  Peter had done the house thoroughly at the beginning of summer with stuff from the supermarket, supposedly commercial grade spray, and we have not had many large huntsmen in the house, and certainly no redbacks at all in or around the house, but I am sure these little spiders are from within the house, as I said in a previous post, some mummy and daddy Huntsmen made hay while the sun shone, and laid a bunch of eggs somewhere, possibly in the hall linen cupboard, there seems to be lots of the baby ones around that area.
Mates Rates van.
Spraying the bathroom.
Anyway, I called several pest control people for quotes and decided to go with a company called Mates Rates. They were a bit cheaper and give a 10 month warranty, so if the spiders come back I’ll be calling him in again to respray.  He came a couple of days ago, and did the whole place through, did a complete pest control spray. And guess what, I haven’t seen another spider since.
On a different subject, we have had a sick bird on the front lawn. In this picture you can see a bird feeder Peter has made, and we get lots of birds coming in to feed during the day, which we love. But one galah, the one on the right on the ground, (I know its not a very good picture) has been really sick. He can hardly walk. Peter managed to catch him two days ago and his feet were all tangled up with some sort of fabric. Peter got all the fabric away, but he is still really really sick. We tried to catch him yesterday and see if there is anything else we can do, but so far he eludes us.

Its a little hard to see here, I can't get any closer without scaring him but he is asleep on the lawn with his head tucked under his wing. Not normal for a bid to sleep on the ground like that. Fortunately there are not cats or dogs that come onto this grassy area.

In this picture you can also see a grey plastic shopping bag. It is protecting the last huge mango on this tree. We are trying to get it ripe enough to pick without the bats and birds getting it.

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