Sunday 10 February 2013

Politically correct spiders.

We know political correctness has been introduced to keep everyone on a level playing field.  Women, the bra burning type, didn’t like some of the names or words used to describe us or our jobs, so they decided that in fairness to all, we should change those that seemed offensive.

You know that we now have two legged walking chairs.  A chairman is a chairman no longer. A chairwoman is not so popular either, so we call them a chair. There’s lots of other stuff around too, that’s a bit silly, but keeps some of the population happy.

Today I had a conversation with a spider. At the moment, in this lovely house we are house sitting, we are finding a lot of baby huntsman spiders. We are finding one or two adults, but heaps of babies. Some mummy and daddy huntsman made hay while the sun shone a while ago, and we are reaping the rewards…….

Anyway, the huntsman, baby though it was, is a diplomatic type of arachnid and wants to know if it is proper to call a female huntsman a huntsman. Surely it should be called a huntslady, or perhaps a huntswoman. It did ask me if we could consider calling it a huntsperson, although to be correct it’s not a person, so maybe just call them a hunts.

Does anyone out there have any ideas? Anyone in government want to take up with worthy cause?

In my normal nature loving way, I stood for a minute considering this seemingly logical question. Then in true John Wayne fashion, I said, ‘put up your dukes buddy’. Unfortunately for him, even though he has eight legs or hands, he came off second best, and my can of fly spray took him to spider heaven, where hopefully every spider sits on a cloud playing a harp and doesn’t have to worry about such things.

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