Tuesday 2 April 2013


Today we decided to chop down a bigger tree. Our eldest son and family came down, Peter used the home owners chain saw and we hired another one for our son, and we got down a large tree that is sitting right on the boundary of our homesit fence and the next door neighbour.

A new neighbour has moved in next door, a very friendly man and they are renovating. They bought the house on a ‘finish me off’ basis. 

Some renovations had been done and there’s lots more to do. So a big tree was the focus of attention today. Fortunately we had many hands to make the work light. Peter used the home owners Husqvana ride on mower with its little trailer, and the neighbour used his. I have to day that the little trailers that hook onto the ride on mowers are wonderful things. If we had to do all this with wheelbarrows it would be an enormous job. We have a lovely large pile of firewood now, and the neighbour has his tree down. He is having a septic tank installed in the next week or so, so he needed that tree out of the way.

Here are some pictures.

The first thing to do was get a rope around the tree. It had to fall the right way.

It didn't take long to fell it. Then they needed to get the chain saws working.

Many hands make light work. You can see both ride on mowers here.

 The ground was really wet and boggy. We got our shoes filthy. We had some rain last night and it drains down the hill to this little flat patch before it drains onto the road. Plenty of water for drinking. You can see the size of the trunk...the water jug is sitting on one of the slices from the trunk.
It is beautiful wood, but there has been a borer right through the middle.

Tyre tracks from the ride on mowers. A small pile of off cuts is by the road.
It was almost all done. The hill had been completely raked and cleaned up and Peter was under orders to rest. He insisted on helping. So he sat on the end and helped keep the log still.

All done. A large pile of debri was left over. The new neighbour will take it to the dump.

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