Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Hedges and stuff.

This house sit is on an acre with lots of trees and gardens. The gardens don’t need a lot of attention, mostly set out in hedge formation around the house.  When we first came here the hedges in front of the house were quite high, but when the home owners came home over the summer they attacked them with a vengeance, cutting them quite low, and it has made a huge difference to the amount of light that comes into the house.

Over the past few months we have not had much rain, so the grass has not grown a great deal but the shrubs and hedges still seem to find enough water to flourish.

He's really getting into it here...... Note the winter clothes,
here we are in sunny Queensland, with fleecy trousers and
fleecy sweatshirt.

The finished height

It makes short work of the hedge around the pool...
So yesterday Peter decided to get out the hedge trimmer and give the hedges a haircut. Previously Peter did this job with the normal hand hedge cutters, but when the home owners were here last summer they bought a small hedge trimmer, just a lightweight one, but it makes a huge difference to the job, making it much easier and quicker to trim the hedges and it makes a really nice level job.

The hedge trimmer is a ROK brand. Peter found it really easy to use, and said it has some great safety features. Apparently you need both hands on the handles to make it work. If your grip goes from one of the handles, then the motor stops, the blade stops and there is little chance of injury.
ROK brand. Goes really well according to Peter. He's
the outdoor expert here, I don't know much about these things.lol.
One of the advantages of keeping the front hedge area low is that we get a much nicer outlook. Previously we couldn’t see past the hedge, but now we can see right over to the other side of the little valley we are in, and actually right to the top of Mount Tambourine too.

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