Sunday 20 January 2013

Left the fridge behind, now in the oven.

Oh boy, I have left the fridge and come home to the oven.  It’s lovely to be home again, and see the family again, but the heat is somewhat hard to take at the moment. It seems this heatwave is going to continue on for some time yet.

There are still bush fires burning all over Australia causing serious devastation and last night there was a downpour in inland Queensland causing flooding. There’s no rhyme or reason to this place sometimes.

The plane trip back was the bumpiest I have ever had. I looked out the window several times, and the flashing light at the end of the wing (it was an all-night flight) seemed to be blurry, so I think we were travelling in really high cloud, even though we were 35,000 to 36,000 feet up. It felt like we were bouncing around like a cork, and for the next 24 hours I still had that feeling of ‘movement’. The screen on the plane showing the progress of the trip showed the pilot altering his altitude frequently, maybe to avoid bad weather, and when I got home the weather map showed lots of monsoonal cloud up around the tropics. There was only one scary point, when everyone was oohing and aahing with the violent movement.

My daughter, bless her little cotton socks, has done a good job of putting my posts up on this website while I was away. The Chinese government in its wisdom blocks some internet sites. You can’t access Facebook or YouTube, and quite a few other sites are blocked. Blogspot is one of them, so I couldn’t access it while I was in China. However I will now go back and add my photos. I think I will work my way backwards from the most recent and add the pictures as I go. I hope you enjoy having a look at how the other half live. It’s not like home, but it is home to them, and to be fair some aspects of their lives are better than ours.

Ah well, all the best laid plans of mice and men…..for some reason the uploading photo thing is just not working. I have tried all sorts of things over the past couple of hours, but it will not do it’s thing. I will try again in the morning.  Sorry about that.

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