Tuesday 16 October 2012

Take a trip to China today!

My sister, Ricky Hunter, and I have both published books in the last few months. That's the easy bit. Then you need to sell the little blighters. Aha, you think, no problem! But it's not that easy.

When you write a book it is your 'baby', and of course you are in love with it, although there is a love/hate relationship too, because by the time you have edited the thing a zillion times you are at the 'nine months and one week' stage, when all you want is to get this birth over and done with. A book is no different.

Nevertheless, being brilliant authors is not enough. You have to tell people that the books are there, and that they would love to read them.

My book is the story of our first year living and working as ESL teachers in China. When you can't speak any Chinese and hardly anyone speaks English it makes for some interesting times. This book is a really great yarn about our planning, deciding where to go, and the experiences we had working our way into a completely different culture, and getting to know some of the wonderful students we had in our classes. We also had lots of hilarious situations, and some madly frustrating times, for example, leaving the airport after touching down in China, to find that none of the taxi drivers could read my instructions on how to get to a hotel we were staying at for a few days. While trying to find a taxi driver that could read our hotel name we were bundled in and out of lots of taxis.  We were stunned to think so many people were illiterate. Of course, we found out later that day, that my extensive preparations were useless because I had printed everything off in Japanese! How was I to know the difference between Chinese and Japanese? Twelve hours later Peter was at the police station being finger printed while I was on the phone trying to get help.

So why not take a trip to China today? You can do it without leaving home.
Book available at Create space at https://tsw.createspace.com/title/3862700 or the e-book at 

I have also included a lot of how-to information for anyone going to China either on holiday, but especially if going to work there as teachers or in any other field. Information such as how to use the buses and trains when everything is in Chinese, personal safety, getting a job, work contracts, housing, shopping, doctors and hospitals, and how to never be lost.


  1. I am sure that anyone wanting to go to China - there is a lot of information in the book. Very helpful.

  2. Thanks Di, I am hoping for a launch in China when I go back for my holiday.
