Tuesday 1 October 2013

Calling the pan black.

Actually I think the right term is calling the kettle black but for this note, I will use poetic license.

This house sit has got a lovely kitchen to work in, a lovely gas hob and some good pots. The lady of the house left behind a fabulous wok kind of pan. She gave me strict instructions that as it was a very expensive pan, never to use anything metal on it, only plastic or wood. I have followed her instructions and never used metal for stirring in this pan. It is a big pan with a good solid glass lid. The problem is that I have used this pan so often, that it has now got a rather ‘used’ looking coating on it and I just can’t get it off. It is fabulous for stir frying, and I make stir fry meals all the time.

So, what to do? I thought I would try and find another one to replace it before the lady comes home in a months’ time. It is an Anolon brand, and yes, it is an expensive brand, and they have a really good name.

After unsuccessfully checking out lots of the local shops I thought I’d check online and, yes, I hit paydirt. Now, I am not an online buyer, I prefer to see what my money is going to buy, and I like to know that if I have a problem I have a shop close by to go back to. However, I have found a website called Kitchenware direct, that sounded pretty good. They have a webchat thingy, so you can talk to someone there, (I got Denise) and you can check all sorts of things out with them before you buy.

So I ordered and safely received a new pan. I am delighted with it, and the price is okay, considering the amount of good quality meals I have cooked in the pan left in the house.

And of  course, you know the drill......once you buy something you get flooded with emails trying to sell you something else, and they succeeded.

I have been looking at ice-cream makers for ages, seriously thinking of making my own, with none of the additives the commercial stuff comes with. And what did they have on special? Yes ice cream makers. There is one in the mail.

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