Monday 11 November 2013

Planes and boats and trains......

Remember that song from years back?  Well here are the boats and planes, but sorry, no trains today.
The other day I spoke about the noises of a new house at night. Well this house sit has some really good day noises too. The best being airplanes going overhead.

We are pretty close to the flight path for all the planes coming into Brisbane airport. They don’t go directly overhead, and it does change a bit depending on the wind direction, but we get to see lots of planes coming and going.

This picture was taken not too far away, on the Manly foreshore. In the distance you can see right on the very left by the road sign some cranes from the Brisbane port, and on the other side you can’t see anything. That’s because it is dead flat over there.  It is the airport. So we would be about 5 kms as the crow flies from the runways.
It’s really interesting to watch the planes on their flight paths. When we sit on the deck and look west, there are several power lines in front of this house, and the planes look like they are gliding along exactly on top of one of the power lines. They all take exactly the same path. The noise is not too bad, it doesn’t bother us at all.
Actually the Brisbane airport is one of the busiest in the country and I heard on the radio that the Brisbane to Sydney run is the 7th busiest in the world. There's been lots of talk of building another runway, but its an expensive business, so the usual 'yes lets do it, but tomorrow', seems to be the plan at the moment. Brisbane is noted as one of the worst airports for planes being late coming and going because of the congestion.

Also along the Manly foreshore is this little inlet with boats at anchor. Some pelicans have set up house here. I thought these pics were nice.

This house sit is in a very pretty part of Brisbane. We used to live not far from here, so its a bit like home from home.

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